The Carnation Revolution – Einar Braathen e Anne Kjersti Bjorn – 51’ (Nor)
5 de Março • 21h45 • Sala 2 | seguido de Q&A
A revolution like no other in Europe and the world. A foreigner’s view of what happened then and in which he participated to the point of being wounded, and what the Portuguese think now, 50 years later. A documentary that covers the social and cultural upheavals and their main mentors through the reflections of names such as Fernando Rosas, Francisco Louçã, Raquel Varela, Isabel Soares and many others.
Einar Braathen
A research professor at Oslo Metropolitan University, with a particular interest in Political Science, especially Democracy, Urban Development and Sustainability. He has published several studies on Portuguese-speaking countries such as Portugal, Brazil and Mozambique for international universities. He was in Portugal during April 25, 1974, and “The Carnation Revolution” (2024) was his first documentary, premiered on April 25 at the University of Oslo.
Anne Kjersti Bjorn
A Norwegian director and screenwriter, she won an award at the Krakow Film Festival for her film “Ung, vakker og begavet/Young, Beautiful and Gifted” (2001). She has also directed “Drommen om OL/The Dream of the Olympics” (2016) and “Da Kvinnen Kom till Verden/When the Woman Came to the World” (2023).